I love Shai Linne. His lyrics are profoundly insightful, thoroughly doctrinally reformed and are a class above with regards to the whole Christian Rap scene.

So he’s courting controversy with this new song ‘Fal$s Teacher$’ in which he calls out quite a number of well known and popular “Christian” teachers and preachers as false teachers.

What makes these men and women false teachers? The gospel they preach – the prosperity gospel.

Here John Piper gives a very succinct summary of the spectrum of ‘prosperity gospel’ and why he (and so should every Bible-believing Christian) abominates it.

To put it simply: the news that God wants you to be prosperous, either to be filthy rich or (in the lighter versions of today) to fulfil your potential, is essentially another gospel.

Back to Shai Linne’s song, here’s a v-log explaining his thinking behind the song.

For those curious, here’s the list of false teachers in the song:

Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Paula White, Fred Price, Kenneth Copeland, Robert Tilton, Eddie Long, Juanita Bynum, and Paul Crouch who founded the Trinity Broadcasting Network, which is also mentioned unfavourably in the song.

Now, I know that a number of my readers are either fans or enjoy the books written by these people. Can I plead with you to call me and chat about these things. We’re dealing with what you believe and, essentially, your eternal future.


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