It couldn’t be a more sensational story. US doctor Kermit Gosnell (pictured above) is being charged with 8 counts of murder, and some of the most gruesome murders ever to have been prosecuted. The news headlines should be all over this. Body parts of the victims were found in refrigerators, freezers and glass jars in and around his office!

So why haven’t we heard much about this story?

I suspect it’s because of the nature of the alleged murders: abortion. Gosnell is being charged with killing 7 babies born alive after  failed abortions, and one woman who died during a botched abortion.

The details are incredibly graphic. Joe Carter over at the Gospel Coalition blog has a run down on 9 things we should know about this case. I’ll leave you to click the link with this CAUTION: the video imbedded in the link contains some graphic images which may disturb some viewers.



Trevin Wax, also at the Gospel Coalition blog, has written 8 reasons he thinks there seems to be a media ban on reporting this case. Having watched the clip ‘3801 Lancaster’ I think Wax’s point #7 is compelling…



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