Carried from my previous post it seems that some find salt too salty.

Tony Payne recently wrote a relatively good and biting satirical comment over at the Sola Panel. It helps to click through the link and read the back story.

But the post elicited some negative feedback, such as this from a ‘David Gundry’:

Quite a disappointing post on the solapanel today. Yes, Sylvia Hale’s attempt to skew the issue in hope of political gains is at best shameful.

It seems a little odd that attempts at humour are made on a christian blog site by depicting the murder of those whom we may disagree with or find frustrating.

Maybe politics could be left to the politicians and the focus could return to theological edification rather than bashing a certain political stance.

Tony Payne has responded to the comments with this witty follow-up. I agree with his final sentiments. But I think Charles Spurgeon says it even better:

I do not know why ridicule is being given up as a weapon to Satan to be used against us and not to be employed by us as a weapon against him. It [humour] is a dangerous weapon it will be said and many men will cut their fingers with it. Well that is their own outlook, but I do not know why we should be so particular about their cutting their fingers if they can at same time cut the throat of sin and do serious damage to the great adversary of souls…

So, back to my original question – are you salteee enough? :) And if you’re not – in what ways can you work on it?


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