The media are quite fond of this story – especially using it for those who would help out needy people on a whim. But I’ve always found the biblical story to run much deeper considering the deep-seated hostility between the jews and the samaritans.
Anyway…I raise this story because of something that happened to me the other night after bible study leaders meeting. I was driving along Kessels road and had just passed the QEII hospital. It was about 11:30pm. On the corner of the lights was a man looking very upset and angst riddled. I stopped at the lights and he came up to my passenger side door…I lent over and wound down the window…he said, “Excuse me…would I be able to get a lift to Rocklea? I just got out of hospital…”
He was scared…he looked a little roughed up with some blood on his face (though not that much and it was dry). My immediate thought was, “I could help this guy out…” but then my next thought was, “Hey wait…I really don’t know this guy…it’s late…and this guy could do something dangerous…”
So I said to him, “Sorry…I can’t help you…” and drove off. At this point he yelled, “I’ll give you money!” which made me think that if he had money then he could hail a taxi – as Rocklea was not very far from QEII.
Yet, as I drove home I sat in almost a stunned silence. Should I have helped this guy out? How was he going to get home? Would he ever get a lift? Why was I so quick to run away?
It is a dangerous world we live in…and I don’t know what I would do, again, in the same situation. I just pray that my heart is not so cold…yet I also pray for the wisdom in knowing what to do.
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