No, not speaking about Shte1 and I! I’m talking about an incident involving a lot of blood which happened around this time last year – of which I have an appointment at the PA Hospital tomorrow to check up on how things have progressed.

And now, looking back on where I am today and what I learnt back then…I kinda realise that though I learnt a great deal about myself, my family and my friends, it has still been hard to put everything into practice. I can probably pinpoint a number of examples where I have stumbled back into old habits that I thought this health scare had helped me to break…

Maybe I’m putting too much emphasis on my own abilities to break these habits? It sometimes feels this way I admit. I’ve probably noticed this habit for a while now – trusting in my own abilities rather than on God.

What to do? Pray, read the bible…both good things. Both of which I need more of…
It’s a start… :)



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