I recently read a report which said that George W. Bush was wanting to introduce legislation to teach school students ‘creationism’. Now, the debate between evolution and creation aside, this raises a further interesting debate on the seperation of church and state (SoCaS).
I have always wondered if those who kick up so much fuss about the whole SoCaS issue are not themselves trying to implement a ‘secular state’ which will ultimately reflect their beliefs and (dare I say it) ignorance.
“I may not believe what you believe, but I believe you have a right to believe what you believe” is the motto for one website dedicated to the upholding of SoCaS. I would have to both agree and disagree with the statement.
I agree that people are free to believe what they choose to believe in matters regarding politics, religion and God. But we should be cautious in giving our approval of these thoughts because being free to choose what you believe does not give you license to be wrong. That is – enthusiasm and passion for belief should not be the measuring stick for whether or not that belief is ultimately correct.
And one final point – should we ever come across a debate about SoCaS I think it would be handy for us to point out a perfect example which breaks this theory/rule: Martin Luther King Jr.
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