Another leave of absence from blogging and another huge word count for this semester. Here are the questions (some highly interesting!) that I get to tackle…


TH604 – Church, Sacraments and Ministry
3000 word essay – 50%
Evaluate Lumin Gentium as the most extensive discussion on the doctrine of the church in Roman Catholic theology that was given the greatest majesty in the Second Vatican Council.
3000 word essay – 50%
‘‘This IS, IS, IS my body’. Evaluate Martin Luther’s succinct summary of the Lord’s Supper and the eucharistic words of Jesus in the New Testament.
CH625 – Mordern Evangelical Movement
1500 word Review – 25%

  • The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism, Chs 5, 13, 19 & 20
  • M. Noll, The Rise of Evangelicalism, Introduction & Chs 1-3
Students are to write a short evaluative review in relation to the above resources (i.e. summarize and critique what they are saying, and compare and contrast the views of the different authors). You should particularly focus on the character or later Puritanism in Britain, and the question of continuity and discontinuity between later Puritanism and early-phase evangelicalism in Britain. It is not expected that you read any other resources for this assignment
1500 word essay – 25%
According to Jonathan Edwards in his work, The Religious Affections, what place do “the affections” have in the Christian life? What are good and bad ways of distinguishing between affections that are genuinely arising from true Christian faith, and those that are not?
3000 word essay – 50%
“The emerging church movement is just a bunch of old ideas with a new, postmodern dress on.” Account for the success of the emerging church movement in contemporary western Christianity, and explain why it can sometimes produce polarizing reactions, in light of the recent history of evangelicalism and the pressure points within it.
NT631 – Corinthians
3000 word essay – 50%
What circumstances gave rise to Paul providing the most detailed apologia of his ministry in 2 Corinthians 10-13 and can that be related to 2 Corinthians as a whole?
OT621 – Former Prophets (Joshua – 2 Kings)
1500 word review – 20%
Moises Silva, Biblical Words and Their Meaning: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics (Zondervan, 1994)
2500 word essay – 40%
Write an exegetical essay that explores the use of satire in the narration of two different judges in the Book of Judges. Evaluate what influence this rhetorical approach may have had on the implied reader.
PC603 – Pastoral Skills and Methods
2500 words essay – 40%
Having come to a considered independent conclusion on the place of assertiveness training for those engaged in Christian ministry, propose a set of relational skills necessary for an effective pastoral ministry and pastoral counselling ministry, and discuss the implications of these conclusions for Christian community.
4000 word essay – 60%
Analyse and critique several delivery options for effective pastoral care in a particular situation. Choose one of the topics listed on page 3 “Section B: Pastoral Care in Particular Situations.” This assignment must show evidence of capacity to research, gather and critically integrate information on a pastoral care issue.
Plus: A summary paper containing the main point of each major lecture segment and its assigned readings is to be submitted to the lecturer via the QTC office by 2nd November. This summary is to be brief, giving the main idea of each major lecture segment and the pastoral application arising from each main idea.
The essays I’m looking forward to the most are:
– CH625 – Jonathan Edwards – I’ve always wanted to plumb the riches of Edwards’ work, and here is my first opportunity.
– CH625 – ‘The Emerging Church’ – I’ve been fascinated by this church movement for some time and now I get a chance to critically analyse why this movement has been so popular.
– OT621 -Satire in narrative – Probably one of the most profound things I’ve learnt so far in my studies is to consider the literary artistry of the Old Testament so I’m looking forward to this particular question.
Once again, for those inclined, please pray that I’ll be diligent and organised through this semester (since I no longer have Steph’s photocopying to rely on!). Also pray for good health through the semester.



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