According to the South-East Queensland Water website the recent rains that Brisbane has endured has helped prop our dam supplies to a combined total of 72.30%, up 9.61% in 24 hours alone (and 13.34% since Monday)!

Also according to the website an estimated 240,000 mega litres of water has flowed into the dams and continues to flow in since Monday. These are startling numbers.

But, meditate upon the numbers further and God’s goodness just seeps right out…

A mega litre of water equals 1 million litres of water. The Sydney Olympic competition swimming pool comes in at approximately 3.3million litres of water (according to the measurements given here). If 240, 000 mega litres entered our dams that equates to 240,000 x 1,000,000 litres = 240,000,000,000 litres. Or, roughly 73,000 Olympic sized swimming pools!

Now, 1ml of water equals 1gram. 1000ml = 1kg. Therefore 240,000,000,000 kg, or 240,000,000 tonnes, of water was dumped on the greater Brisbane region. To put that into perspective, a fully loaded Boeing 747 weighs approximately 440,000 kg. Imagine 54,500 747s crashing into Brisbane!

Those figures are simply astonishing. Yes, there has been much physical damage done to Brisbane, we have been declared a natural disaster zone, yet think of how much more damage could have been done were it not for the rain’s prolonged descent to the earth.

The rain is good, because God is good.

Further meditations on the rain can be found here.


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