I’m moving out on Saturday. Here are some photos from my packing adventures and other miscellaneous things I’ve learnt in the process:

8 bags full of clothes I haven’t worn in ages and will donate to a charity bin. These are minus the two bags I put into a bin the other day… I have too many clothes.

Two boxes full of books. Three if you count the bottom box in the next photo. I have lots of books. Mostly “Christian” ones, and all together pretty heavy. But God’s word is like that…heavy!

The bottom box is also full of books. The second box is filled with miscellaneous stuff. The top box is my sub-woofer set (speakers wrapped in newspaper for safe carriage).

When I cleared my shelf of the books I had I made way for more rubbish. Now where can I pack all this stuff!?

Lots of CD’s in those drawers. Hmm… I think moving tomorrow morning is going to take a bit longer than I expect.

Oh well, I’ll try and document it all for you as best I can :)

And hey, if you happen to be in the right side of town, drop on by!



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