Found this interesting article here tonight. Starcast Productions in America are putting together a pay-per-view show titled ‘The Spirit of John Lennon’ in which a group of psychics will attempt to contact John Lennon from ‘the other side’.

“Psychics will also visit the Capitol Records Building in Los Angeles where the Beatles recorded, and a town in India where Lennon pursued a spiritual retreat.

“Sharratt [the shows producer] said the Indian sequence will feature a spirit reader at an ashram who believes he can contact Lennon to receive musical notes and lyrics from the other side.”

The article goes on to say:

The special will culminate as psychics, colleagues and confidantes sit at a seance table for 30 minutes surrounded by infra-red cameras that can capture any “presence” or spirit that enters the room.

I wonder if they will make contact with John Lennon – not that I believe they will. But if they might, perchance, have an encounter I wonder if his message would reflect that of the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus – where a rich unbeliever’s death would see him go, not to heaven as he expects, but, to firey torment in hell. From there the rich man looks up to father Abraham and begs that somebody would go and warn his five brothers of this torment, so as to avoid it, but receives the bad news that it’s ultimately up to his brothers to listen to the message of Moses and the Prophets – and ultimately Jesus.

I wonder…

But I bet we won’t hear that message.



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