A few years ago there was a massive public debate regarding stem-cell research. The parties were debating the legal ramifications for allowing or disallowing stem-cell research and, in particular, the effect it would have on Australia’s place in leading science and technology.

You may have also noticed that things have gone all quiet on that debate front…and I think here is why – there have been no developments!

According to this website the ‘infinite value’ Embryonic Stem Cells was believed to have had has turned out to be not much in the end. Some might query if these statistics are misleading in that quite a few countries have outlawed research of this kind – but one might also wonder about those countries (such as Australia, England, Canada and China) which allow this research and have come up with nothing. Still, there are many years to come and we shall see – but the statistics seem to be speaking loudly at this stage – Adult Stem Cell research (where no life is destroyed) – 73 clinical benefits. Embryonic Stem Cell research (where life is destroyed) – 0 clinical benefits.

Let’s keep an eye on this…


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