Seb Lester is a designer from the UK. Here’s what his ‘About’ page says about him:

He has created typefaces and type illustrations for some
of the world’s biggest companies, publications and events,
including the likes of Apple, Nike, Intel, The New York Times,
The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and JD Salinger’s final
reissue of The Catcher in the Rye.

Previously a Senior Type Designer at Monotype Imaging
for nine years, he developed custom typefaces for clients
including British Airways, Waitrose, The Daily Telegraph,
H&M and Barclays.

His limited edition prints are becoming increasingly popular and
collectible and a new-found love of calligraphy has pushed his
work in exciting new directions.

He’s been interviewed by the BBC and The Independent Newspaper
about fonts on movie posters and album covers respectively. His work
has also been featured in The Guardian, The Times, Creative Review,
Grafik, HOW Design, and numerous other publications worldwide.

He is passionate about letterforms.

I love that last line: ‘He is passionate about letterforms.’

Because it’s so true. Witness the following…

Makes you just want to pick up a pen and get writing huh?

I think these videos also highlight how our instant sms/email/messaging has made much of our written communication artless and how much we are poorer for it.



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