Richard Dawkins Jumps the Shark
Al Mohler gives a fascinating commentary on the latest phenomena sponsored by Richard Dawkins – Atheist Camps.

Swedish Parents Keep Child’s Gender Secret
A true and sad story of a Swedish couple who have kept the gender identity of their child a secret. Jill Stanek’s comments are worth pondering.

Re: Lit – Pastor Dad
A free eBook given away by Re:Lit written by Mark Driscoll and fatherhood.

Gideon’s Fleece
Daniel I Block over at Koinonia has some interesting thoughts on Gideon’s Fleece and why it was such a sinful act.


One more special for the day.

The worst published opening page in history
A friend of mine (an ex-pat New Zealander) said to me that, ‘When a New Zealander emigrates to Australia the IQ of both countries drops.‘ I wonder if that particular New Zealander penned the lines to this woeful opening page…



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