Was doing some lurking this morning on my brother-in-law’s blog and clicked a link on one of the comments which led me to another blog of another Christian brother.

However, I was a little disturbed to find the positive endorsement of the following item now found at a local K-Mart near you…

Presenting: the Jesus’ doll!

Now, tackiness aside, here’s some quick thoughts on why I’d never purchase anything like this for my kids (and sincerely pray that none of my friends or relatives purchases one of these for our kids either!):

  1. What a great way to teach our kids the value of Jesus – that He can be reduced to a material possession (cuddly toy) who we can show affection to when we want, and discard when we want. And ultimately grow out of.
  2. Let’s also teach our kids that Jesus is under our control.
  3. What is the second commandment again?

Am I being too harsh? I don’t think so. Let’s remember the words in Hebrews 10:31 – that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God, and teach our kids what the children in Narnia learnt about Aslan – that He is not ‘safe’, but He is good.



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