Tomorrow morning (very insanely early – 4:30am) I’ll be shooting down to Sydney and the Katoomba for the annual Youth Leadership Convention.
I’m looking forward to this year a lot for a few reasons:
– KYLC is cool!
– I’m looking forward to being immersed once again in God’s word with God’s people
– We’re looking at Psalms as our OT book – and I have lots and lots of questions in regards to BT’ing the Psalms
– I’m looking forward to watching over particular guys to gently deep nudge them towards taking on leadership roles within YF within the next few years
– We have 9/19 people who are there for the first time and I’m really looking forward to watching their progression during the week
– I’ll be personally studying the topic of ‘Work’ and what the bible has to say about it
– I hope to catch up with some familiar faces when down there
It’ll be a challenging week for all of us. Some more so than others, but I pray that the challenges thrown at us will hit deeply and convict.
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